
collaborated as a visual designer in a multi-disciplinary agile environment on multiple projects for orbitz, cheaptickets, ebookers, and orbitz for business.

orbitz.com redesign

Designed for 1024px screen resolution.

Home page: header, search bot, center spot & footer

Realigned & updated the color palette & iconography

orbitz air cards

collaborated with information architect to re-design and trim down orbitz air cards to be more competitive with other ota(s).


introduced facets & saving solutions for hotel path, allowing the opportunity to improve conversion ratios.

explored search bot solutions to differentiate between hotel paths

orbitz for business (ofb)

orbitz introduced a new feature for corporate travelers, the ability to search for flights using the schedule as the main parameter. as a visual designer, i worked with the ia to re-design search, itinerary builder, and results pages. i simplified the air cards and made them more scanable.

an indirect benefit of our work was influencing the consumer-facing air cards. eventually, orbitz began trimming down all air cards to mimic our initial design for ofb.


acquity group